The Idea Generation Workshop

The Idea Generation Workshop

Regular price £10.00


This workshop pack will help you generate ideas. If you need to think of ideas for a particular screen, a user flow, or even an entire concept, this workshop pack will create the perfect environment to help you do that within a team. 

You may be right at the beginning of a project where you're trying to understand users and other stakeholder's visions, or at the point where you need to pivot your ideas. 

The format consists of rounds. Rounds can either focus on diverging or converging ideas, but they all help individuals to think, pitch and discuss ideas. Participants are encourages to steal, merge or stick with their own ideas throughout the rounds. 

The pack includes materials that cover two potential outcomes:

  1. End the workshop on two or three possible idea, that can then be discussed with other stakeholders, tested with users or used to spark further conversations within your team.
  2. End the workshop with one agreed idea. This will help you kick of the design phase with wire framing and prototyping. 

Expect a lot of drawing.


Who is it for?

You’re an individual or a team with an idea that needs to be made a reality. Perhaps an established product team, or a brand new start up without a product. You’ve done your research into your potential users and you know what problem(s) you’re trying to solve. Now you’re ready to ideate designs and solutions.

The workshop is for groups of 2 - 8 people. Since the format establishes a clear pitching and listening dynamic, it’s also very effective in incorporating your clients, users or any other stakeholders, even if they’re not the creative types (don’t worry there are some exercises to help them feel more comfortable).

Being prepared


We recommend the facilitator does not take part in the workshop. 

The facilitator is needed to lead the session, as well as timing everything and ensuring the rules are adhered to. 

This workshop requires a lot of wall space.

In this pack

For the facilitator For the participants  For the wall
Facilitator Notes Sharpies Workshop Rules Poster
Timer A4 Paper Agenda (A3)
Blue tac Post-it Notes Whiteboard paper
Dot stickers Round format posters (A3)
Talker's ball Personas (optional)

Before ordering think about the following

This workshop is essentially solution focused. Therefore you need to have a clear idea of the problems you are trying to solve. Following Human Centred Design best practices, we recommend that you start this workshop after having done some user research so that you start the workshops with a problem statement and idea of who you're designing for. 

If you prefer to do a workshop with more general brainstorming exercises, check out our brainstorming workshop pack. This is filled with a handful of effective brainstorming techniques, which you can pick and choose what you use.