UX Workshop Tips

Listening Matters

Every workshop pack includes a 'Talker's Ball'. Whoever is holding the ball is allowed to speak while others are encouraged to listen (the Facilitator is exempt from this rule). This is to ensure everyone is heard, no-one is spoken over and to add add some fun (who doesn't love throwing a ball around?)

Timing is everything

When there are timings given in the facilitator notes. Stick to them. Use the timer given in the pack and make sure people stop what they are doing. It ensures the pace is kept up and people don't lose interest, and the super chatty people are kept to a minimum, and the quieter ones encouraged to speak. 

Always reflect

Don't just 'do' the workshop. Make sure to regularly reflect on common themes. This lets participants know that their ideas are being heard and hard work is paying off.  Facilitator notes will guide this, stick to it.

Stick to the rules

Every workshop pack includes 'rules'. These aren't just beautiful, motivational posters but are important things to think about during the session.