The Different Types of Prototype

The Design Process 

The Different Types of Prototype

In human center design we need to test everything we do with end user to make sure we are on the right track. There is a method to it. This method is helping us to be more productive and quicker to deliver as well as always keep the users needs in mind.  ccc



1- Sketch - Paper Prototype

We always start with sketching ideas on paper. It is a way to put down the insight from our research (find out more about research: Why Research?) The sketches are early concept and we need to test them with the users. In order to do that we put together all our sketches to create a paper prototype. 

2- Wireframes - Digital Prototype

Once we are happy with feedback we can make an iteration (see Iteration Loop post) and up the fidelity. We then create wireframes. These are the blue prints of the future design. They help us to test the interaction and the flow. We test the wireframes by putting them together in a digital prototype. This prototype looks like a real product, thanks to hotspots it feels like you can click through the product. However, it is only smoke and mirror.


3- Mockup - Digital Prototype

Once we are happy with the interaction and the flow we can start to skin the wireframe with visual design. This will allow us to test an additional element of the product which is the look and feel. In order to test it we will once again create a digital prototype with our mockups.

4- Code- Functional Prototype

Finally, strong of all the user feedback we can start to code create a fictional prototype. This prototype will still be tested and improve upon. Any new feature will follow this diagram from the beginning before being implemented.